
Anxiety is the mind and body's reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. It's the sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event.

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How to get rid of anxiety
The restrictions and other stress factors introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically increased the level of anxiety. However, the really strong triggers of this condition are not so common. Is it possible to correctly assess your feelings and take the necessary steps?
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How to improve memory with a few simple tools
Memory is one of the most important mental functions that allow a person to accumulate, store and reproduce knowledge, skills or abilities. Our performance at work and household affairs, as well as our life experience, depends on mnemonic ability. Is it possible to pump this ability and become a little better?
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What causes sleep paralysis? Dark forces vs. sleep problems
Sleep paralysis is one of the most serious sleep abnormalities that is characterised by a temporal inability to move or make any sound. Until recently, it was believed that sleep paralysis is caused by some frightening demons who come at night. However, modern medicine has its own opinion on sleep paralysis, based on scientific evidence.
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COVID-19 pandemic affects Americans` sleep - Better Sleep Council
“The 2020 State of America’s Sleep” research by The Better Sleep Council revealed mass sleep disorder among residents of the United States. The comparison of January and March statistics of this year with the previous year showed that there is a decrease in the performance of all characteristics. Researchers relate mental health issues to the coronavirus pandemic.
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